
50 Sentences - Reverse Time Angel

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1. Past

It took just one burst of magic from a villain's spell to throw Gabriel backwards into the past, and he knew it was the past because he just saw himself streak overhead in the sky blue colors Dr. Antonov had slaved him in years ago....

2. Adjust

He wasn't sure how he would adjust to the fact that the Archives no longer responded to or recognized him, signaling him as a hostile and sending Caleb's Little Heroes tearing after his trail.

3. Quiver

Gabriel happened upon a way of sending a peace message to his brother by writing it out in code on paper and stuffing it into the quiver of a Hero he recognized from the Justice League, knowing he'd soon take it to Caleb for repairs.

4. Announce

"Guys, I think we have a problem," Caleb announced as he held up a rumpled note in his tiny hand to show his Little Heroes.

5. Selection

Gabriel based his selection of hideouts on the direction the windows faced - east, of course- and the view it gave him of the studio apartment where he knew his past self lived.

6. Now

Once upon a time, Gabriel slaughtered the humans around him without a care or thought to them: now he crept in the shadows, resurrecting victims while his past self moved on with sadistic laughter.

7. Later

Later he would regret not paying more attention to his surroundings, as one of the Archives healers spotted him hurriedly reviving some children that had been caught in the crossfire and singing to sedate them until further help arrived.

8. Latter

Between wondering if this other 'GateKeeper' really was a potential ally and wondering if it was just another MasaTech trap, Caleb was more inclined to believe the latter no matter how much he wished for the former.

9. Herald

The whistle of an incoming missile was like the herald to the coming of oblivion, and Gabriel instinctively threw out his own signal to hijack the thing and hurl it back to its source, cringing as his past self dodged the retaliation and focused completely on him with a murderous glower.

10. Unfurl

Dr. Antonov's own plans for world domination must be a few months away from being unfurled, Gabriel realized, seeing the fury and indignation in his past self's combat style was entirely his own and not something borne of the desperation to keep the woman happy enough to not hurt him later.

11. String

Gabriel strung himself along like bait, a feather at the end of a string for a cat, until his other self was good and invested in him... then teleported away in a flash, leaving the younger Gabriel floundering in outraged confusion at the very limits of his boundary.

12. Stern

He was faced with the stern expression of Raine Sage once he returned to his apartment, and Gabriel learned that his merry run with the other Gabriel had caught the Archives' attention far more than his little note did.

13. Hurdle

If he was ever asked what the greatest hurdles Gabriel ever had to overcome were, he would describe trying to convince one of the most skeptical of the Archives healers that he was really Gabriel, but not like the current Gabriel as being in his top five most difficult.

14. Gather

Once Raine was sufficiently informed enough to not beat the crap out of him and left, Gabriel sat on his bed and tried to gather his thoughts on what his presence would do to the way things had played out in his past and will play out in the near future.

15. Challenge

The younger Gabriel -though he did not know that he was 'younger'- saw the arrival of his imposter as something like a challenge to his position of Angel of World's Ending, and he'd be damned thrice over before he let some two-bit copycat think he could waltz into his city and claim his title!

16. Peel

While Caleb and the rest of the Little Heroes argued and debated what to do about the second Gabriel based on Raine's report, Magpie peeled himself a banana and wondered how long it would take for them to realize the timeline had been tampered with.

17. Pound

"In for a penny, in for a pound," Gabriel muttered to himself as he stalked after his past self again, reviving several of those dead that were left in his wake and knowing full well that the Archives was watching him.

18. Official

He officially declared that his life sucked bollucks when he was attacked by his past self, the younger Gabriel demanding he roll over and die like the inferior tech he was, when in reality it was the other way around.

19. Haunted

Gabriel stayed away from MasaTech Tower and everything related to them, and his dreams were haunted by cruelly smiling lips and a soft blue ribbon that bound him tighter than any shackle or chain.

20. Perplexed

Antonov was at first perplexed by the data she received on a duplicate GateKeeper wandering New York City; then she smiled wickedly at the thought of what possessing two GateKeepers would do for her own desires.

21. Covet

Once she saw the design of the other GateKeeper's wings, she coveted him even more, her design and the Guardian Angel's technology combined into the one true form of the Angel of World's Ending.

22. Offer

Gabriel received two offers soon after his third encounter with his younger self; one from Antonov to surrender himself immediately, and one from Raine on behalf of Caleb to have a peaceful talk about who he really was.

23. Chime

Chibi Caleb looked up from his snack at the sound of the Sylvarant's door chime, eyes widening with disbelief and faint hope as the other GateKeeper -the one with the unmistakable signal of true magitechnology- walked in to join him at the table.

24. Privacy

The little booth offered some privacy while Gabriel marveled at the child-like size and form of his elder brother, even as Caleb questioned him on his origins and motives.

25. Immediate

It became immediately obvious that this Gabriel was far different from the other one, Caleb realized with a puzzled frown; more honest and warm and genuine and emotive.

26. Harp

Caleb was harping on about something about feelings or whatever, but Gabriel's current focus was on the plate of chicken that sat forgotten in front of the redhead and the fact that he had not eaten in the weeks since he'd been trapped in the past.

27. Drain

The color drained from Caleb's face when he stopped his monologuing long enough to realize that Gabriel had taken his chicken meal and was happily gnawing on a drumstick, a small pile of bones on the plate and his gloves now a pair of wristbands to keep them clean while he ate.

28. Slight

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and being slighted by the other GateKeeper had Antonov fuming and scheming to make him pay dearly for the insult.

29. Malice

The next time the young Gabriel was sent forth to destroy the emergency response teams, he did so with extra malice; both because Antonov had bullied him into doing so to draw out his imposter and because he finally caught the copycat actually reviving dead little kids left and right.

30. Gallop

The time for the final clash between MasaTech and the Archives was picking up speed, galloping ever faster forward, and Gabriel hoped to have a way back to his own time before he was dragged any further into the mess.

31. Hold

In retrospect, Gabriel should have realized that the same Anti-Angel equipment MasaTech Industries used to immobilize and capture Caleb worked against him just as well, which he learned when the Angel Hunters Unit held him in place in the middle of another resurrection spree.

32. Ignore

No matter how much he was being hurt by the Anti-Angel shocks, Gabriel continued to ignore Antonov's demands for his surrender, smiling grimly as his clothes frustrated her every attempt to strip them off.

33. Examine

Gabriel found himself being studied quite closely by his younger self, -who had a strangely familiar look of hatred, envy, and longing that he remembered feeling towards Caleb and his free will- and realized that he could see that envy expanding to include himself.

34. Jovial

"I'll break you just like I broke my version of you," Antonov remarked jovially, leaning her weight forward against Gabriel as she played with his hair and his past self watched in bitterness, "and I'll have two Angels of World's Ending to bring down the power of the Guardian Angel!"

35. Gallivant

While Antonov went gallivanting all over her labs in eager anticipation of victory, Gabriel quietly sang himself free of his bonds and made his escape alone, torn between wanting to break out his past self and leaving him behind to preserve the timeline.

36. Push

Gabriel's escape pushed the speed at which the conflicts were coming, and Caleb and his Little Heroes were quickly being overrun by the accelerated attacks coming from a mind-controlled GateKeeper, which only pushed the future Gabriel into emerging from hiding to tamper more with the skirmishes.

37. Floral

During one clash between the past Gabriel and the Little Heroes, other fires burst from the buildings around the fires the GateKeeper had ignited, spiraling out in a floral design and consuming fuel before the wildfires could spread.

38. Curtail

"We have the same ability to destroy the world," the younger Gabriel yelled at his future self as they hovered over the street, surrounded by dying fires, "so why do you keep curtailing my beautiful flames of devastation?!"

39. Reduction

"It's fascinating to see that the reduction of property damage and casualties is because of the future Gabriel interfering with his past self," Caleb murmured in quiet awe.

40. Fizzle

Gabriel watched from a safe distance as the fire that consumed MasaTech Tower slowly fizzled out in the morning sunlight, a little smirk on his face as pictured his brother scrambling to do the transfer that would save his life and put him on the path he walked now.

41. Pull

He felt the pull of the Archives mainframe within a few days and linked up with a sigh of relief that it was now programmed to recognize him as an Archives android, off-setting his code slightly to prevent a collision with his past self's link.

42. Square

"Right, just so we're square; you're me from the future who got stuck here by mistake and you didn't want to mess up the events that would have Caleb save me from MasaTech so you either acted like an uber-goody-goody or a total dickwad," Chibi Gabriel pointed out sourly when Gabriel dropped in to finally talk to his big brother.

43. Immune

While Caleb went to talk with Martel about accessing a greater portion of the Eternal Sword Pin's time power, Gabriel found himself acting as babysitter to his past self, being immune to the chibi's tantrums and rages as he vented his frustrations, fury and insecurities with screams and fits of destruction.

44. Childish

Fed up with his past self acting so childish, Gabriel took to hoisting him up and carrying him around under one arm as though he were Cat when she was a little girl, turning a deaf ear to the chibi's screams of protest and indignation.

45. Slumber

Guilt and shame curled in the pit of his 'stomach' as Gabriel draped a blanket over the slumbering form of his elder brother, the redhead having finally fallen asleep after exhausting himself with writing the code that would become Gabriel's foundation.

46. Over

"Bugger, this is embarrassing," Gabriel muttered to himself as he watched his past self attempt to work his new magitech body, promptly trip over his own feet, and fall flat onto his face.

47. Curve

Gabriel couldn't remember if learning to control the magitech body was done on a curve, since it seemed to take longer and longer each time for his past self to fall over because of a misjudge of weight compared to the MasaTech body.

48. Chisel

Getting Martel to cooperate with her brothers while she was in a 'mood' was like trying to chisel an ice sculpture on the surface of the sun; a mission in utter futility.

49. Return

Gabriel finally got sent back to his proper time by annoying Martel enough to be deemed worse than the younger one and forcing her to throw him forward to punish future Caleb, however that worked in her head.

50. Present

Gabriel knew he was in the present again when Caleb ran over and hugged him, thanking him for helping out so long ago, and Martel huffed indignantly, a pout on her face as she was foiled for once in her life.
This is something that took me about a month or two to write. I'd do one or two sentences when I felt up to it, maybe three if I was really on a roll. A whole story is told in just fifty sentences. I am really really tired. Suddenly going from no work to full time job has thrown my body completely out of whack, adding on to the trouble involved in being in a slump.
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TitanOfElements's avatar
Digi, you've got a comment:
1. Mike: Let's see how this'll go.
2. All the Little Heroes minus one, I'm certain.
3. Lucky.
4. A problem indeed.
5. Obviously, he hates to lose the sunrise.
6. Nice way to correct his mistakes.
7. Busted.
8. Caleb has a Little Hero that can answer that doubt. Does it hurt to ask?
9. Mike: Old vs New. Where's the popcorn?
10. He was sent to the time of his first appearance, wasn't he?
11. This one I didn't get it. Is it because he was at the outskirts of the city?
12. He wasn't expecting that, was he?
13. Yeah, saying that he's the Gabriel from a future timeline that was sent into the past by a villain and is now helping in the shadows to make his past self follow the same path as him... it can be very confusing.
14. As long he doesn't interfere with the current actions, everything will be okay.
15. Typical Gabriel. Nothing change.
16. Will they turn to him and ask, or will Magpie blurt it out after they're stuck?
17. At least he won't worry about being attacked by the Archives now.
18. That must be really humiliating.
19. Quite a trauma that was.
20. That is so wrong.
21. Good thing her fate is already traced.
22. It's easy to guess which one he would pick.
23. At that time, it would be one heck of a reaction.
24. Considering Gabriel's fondness for little kids, no wonder.
25. Coming from the future, what did he expect?
26. :eager: Food.
27. This would be a good chance for Caleb to change Gabriel's favorite dish. But I guess he left it as normal.
28. The past version must have been grinning for seeing her like that.
29. The last one might have really ticked him off.
30. Hmm...
31. He might have forgotten that.
32. He's not the same before, and the sight of her trying to take off his clothes without success must be funny.
33. Let's hope this won't affect the current timeline.
34. She couldn't be sooo wrong.
35. Oh, the face she made when the news of future Gabriel's escape reached her. Better to preserve it, Gabriel.
36. If he's tampering, then he better give some support from the shadows.
37. Nothing beats Gabriel when creating art through explosions.
38. He's not curtailing them. I think he's just making some fireworks after the first show.
39. No doubt about that.
40. And the path he's following became fixed.
41. Things could get messy if that happened.
42. That makes sense. Probably.
43. He took care of three girls. Taking care of his past self shouldn't be a problem.
44. :rofl: Now that was a funny scene to watch.
45. Now he sees what Caleb went through while he was in his Chibi version.
46. No comment to this one.
47. Slow and steady, Gabriel.
48. If she doesn't want to cooperate, time for plan B.
49. Lol. Wouldn't it hurt to ask Magpie for some assistance? Or does Gabriel still holds a grudge against him?
50. Better luck next time, Martel.

Seems like I'm the only one crazy enough to do this. =P